
She threw herself at me and I think she was crying.
I tried to remember the last time I saw her.It was about
ten years ago, when we. got out of high school and XK&XXSL&M
We all went to a soccer game to celebrate graduation.I tried^^
not to remember that,but i couldn't help it now.Before I
knew it,we were In my apartment talking about old times.
It wasn't like we hadn't seen each other for all our lives,
but it had been a long time.The turning point in the con-
versation came when she told, me the car she got booted out
of carried a guy that was: supposed to pay her to. be with him.
"That was George in. the car .He. di dnt have enough money
to pay me tonight, so, he kicked me out of his car."
"You mean he pays you to stay with him at night?"
"Uh-huh.He*s a great guy,usually."
"You do that for money,so...that makes you. a..."I was
about to say it,but it never came out.
"That's right."she said looking, up from the table.
"apd I'm not ashamed of it.Why should I be?"
"It's a sin.How can you go out and get laid by total
strangers- for money like that?"
"Hey-it's work,Isn't It?"
"Well sure,but. ..
"But w.hat?You probably work somewhere,don't you;well,
you do your stuff,and I do my thing." . ;
"I want you to leave now."
"Whal?"sh^ said as if being a whore was all right.
. b "Get out,I said opening the door and motioning her to
leave.I knew I'd probably never see. her again after this,
but It really didn't matter to me."C*mon,go.."
She left in a flurry-and I slammed thedoor behind her.
I stood,leaning against the door for. a few seconds,thinking.
of what just happened.lt v/as ten years since I last saw her,
and since this was. prabpbly our very last good-bye,! didn't
know wbat to think.Was I getting, old,or was the world gettirg
"Am I getting old or what?"I said outloud.
- Author
- mark thomas